Kate Southworth

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Igniting the Pulse

Igniting the Pulse is a series of nine variable edition giclée prints. Each print is aligned with one of the eight festivals that make up the Celtic wheel. The wheel is made up of four ancient cross quarter days - Samhain, Imbolg, Bealtaine and Lughnasadh, interspersed with the Yule (winter solstice), Ostara (spring equinox), Litha (summer solstice) and Mabon (autumn equinox). This body of work, like the Celtic wheel, marks the dynamic relationship between dusk, darkness, dawn and lightness; between the birth of summer, the death and decay of winter and the fertility and rebirth of spring. Death is not literal but symbolises a withdrawal inwards to the innermost reaches of the psyche: a necessary part of renewal. Fertility points to the manifestation of our creativity in whatever form it emerges. The journey along this path isn’t linear; we move between phases in a way that feels right for us at the time.