Kate Southworth

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Descent and Surrender

At the Autumn Equinox, day and night are equal in length; dusk, darkness, dawn and lightness are held in balance. The sun is in descent; surrendering its position, for now. Darkness, poised to push upwards, brings a return inwards, to the mysteries of the soul. The lightness shimmers, readying its passage. We sit on the border between summer and winter, enjoying still the warmth of the sun and at the same time anticipating a return to darker days. It is a time when we consciously recognise the plentitude of vegetation, colour and liveliness within the external world, and also acknowledge its ending. The intuitive clarity of the spring equinox gives way to a clarity that can be expressed. Articulating consciously that which we have learned through the darkness of winter, the greening of spring and the abundance of summer, we prepare once more to turn inwards.