Bridie's Mantle

As the darkness fades, the belly of the earth begins to quicken, and light pierces the gloom in anticipation of the return to warmth. The timing of Imbolg sometimes is guided by signs other than the calendar: some suggest that Imbolg be celebrated when the blackthorn blooms, and others suggest that the time for festivities is when snowdrops push their way through the snow. 1st February is also the feast day of the sixth century Celtic Saint Brigid who was the founder of several monasteries. On the eve of her feast day, also known as Bridie's Day, some people hang a strip of cloth called ‘brat Bhride’ (Brigid’s mantle) outside their door as it is believed that Brigid travels the earth with her red-eared cow bestowing blessings to those who take care of their souls.


Sorrows of the Soil


Bridie's Mantle