Kate Southworth

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A ritual calling the sun

Year 1
In the first year afterwards, I buy a bunch of cut daffodils and arrange them in a vase. I sense the shadow; the Affodil of the Elysian Fields. I notice the daffodil's gradual transformation to decay and death.

Year 2
In the second year I encounter clusters of daffodils growing in the earth. Turning from the nearness of the invisible world, I see how their yellow glows with the light of the mortal world.

Year 3
In the third year I plant 48 daffodil bulbs.

Year 4
In the fourth year I tenderly watch the 48 daffodils through their life cycle: from bright green shoot to seed-head.

Year 5
In the fifth year I remember. At the Spring Equinox I hold the soil’s darkness and the daffodil’s vivd yellow brightness, in balance.

I am calling the Sun.

A ritual calling the sun, 2013