kate southworth kate southworth

About my Work

I think the soul paints itself transforming.  I think, perhaps, there’s a witch in place mutating. 

My work engages with magic, alchemy, mysticism and spirituality and emerges from a shrouded, hidden place. Telepathic moments and psychic transformations find their way onto the canvas.

My paintings trace relations between clusters of energies within simplified landscapes.  Forms and shapes in the work seem to reference the moon, the sun, wombs, plants, placentas and strange little creatures.  The paintings emerge slowly and there is much overpainting; a process of trying to feel the invisible form’s edges from a dusky cave of non-knowing. I sense relationality, forms, colours, lines, shapes; just fragments, that seem to fade into and out of different psychic registers, organs, energies, senses. Each filiament vibrates a different tone, speaks a different language and I try to weave them all together. 

The veiled boat moored half way up a hill and the golden orb that finds it’s wings describe something real, and as I sits in silence with the paintings, I seems to hear their story. The mutating witch feels brought to birth with cosmic spirit in the blackness teeming with life. A canvas, left-handedly knotted with uneven threads, sits in a cloud of vermillion. Its divine blackness embeds circles into three-dimensional space. Two strands loop wildly east to west, each with an almost twist, perhaps of infinity. The square holds itself cheerfully as something resolved-enough and its joyful imperfections radiate life.

Each work emerges as a cluster of fragments: paintings, drawings, rituals, spells, texts that often exist in different places and different times to each other. Some elements may lay fallow for several years until constellated afresh.

I think the soul paints itself transforming.  I think, perhaps, there’s a witch in place mutating. 

My work engages with magic, alchemy, mysticism and spirituality and emerges from a shrouded, hidden place. Telepathic moments and psychic transformations find their way onto the canvas.

My paintings trace relations between clusters of energies within simplified landscapes.  Forms and shapes in the work seem to reference the moon, the sun, wombs, plants, placentas and strange little creatures.  The paintings emerge slowly and there is much overpainting; a process of trying to feel the invisible form’s edges from a dusky cave of non-knowing. I sense relationality, forms, colours, lines, shapes; just fragments, that seem to fade into and out of different psychic registers, organs, energies, senses. Each filiament vibrates a different tone, speaks a different language and I try to weave them all together. 

The veiled boat moored half way up a hill and the golden orb that finds it’s wings describe something real, and as I sits in silence with the paintings, I seems to hear their story. The mutating witch feels brought to birth with cosmic spirit in the blackness teeming with life. A canvas, left-handedly knotted with uneven threads, sits in a cloud of vermillion. Its divine blackness embeds circles into three-dimensional space. Two strands loop wildly east to west, each with an almost twist, perhaps of infinity. The square holds itself cheerfully as something resolved-enough and its joyful imperfections radiate life.

Each work emerges as a cluster of fragments: paintings, drawings, rituals, spells, texts that often exist in different places and different times to each other. Some elements may lay fallow for several years until constellated afresh.

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